Community Resources
Philadelphia Hatzolah - 24/7 Response - Call: 215-677-6700
24/7 Response Call 215-677-6700
Hatzolah of Philadelphia is a 100% volunteer EMT organization that relies completely on the generous support of the community in order to provide its services.
While we are supported and staffed by the Jewish community, Hatzolah prides itself on the fact that it provides care at no cost equally to all in need regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity.
Hatzolah is designed to take advantage of those few precious minutes during which immediate and proper care may mean the difference between a patient's successful outcome let alone their survival.
Although our local Fire-EMS departments provide top notch care, they may not be in a position to respond within those crucial first few minutes. Since our volunteers are local and spread throughout the communities that we serve, our Hatzolah volunteers will often be there within minutes of the call coming in via our dispatchers. Hatzalah on a national level has a consistent track record of response times far below the national average, usually within two to four minutes during daytime hours.
Bikur Cholim of Philadelphia
Phone- 215-805-8668
Bikkur Cholim provides two furnished apartments in the University City area. These comfortable accommodations have all the amenities of home.
Kosher meals
We provide fresh meals during the week and for Shabbos. We are also able to handle special dietary needs upon request.
Hospital visitation
A warm smile and friendly face are the hallmarks of our volunteers when visiting patients in local hospitals.
Respite Services
Our volunteers are available to stay with patients when needed.
Kosher Pantries
Bikkur Cholim maintains and stocks bikkur cholim rooms in local hospitals, where food, snacks and seforim are available at all times. Jefferson University Hospital | Lankenau Medical Center | Einstein Medical Center | Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania | Shriners Children's Hospital | Jefferson Abington Hospital
Abington Hospital Bikur Cholim Room
Miriam Dachs 917-710-2859
Mitzvah Meals
- Young Israel Elkins Park - Rebbetzin Miriam Goldstein 646-369-8353
- Ahavas Torah (Northeast) Tara Neisenfeld 215-745-0819
- Somerton - Chana Perel Shmulevich 267-243-9788,
Working to assist motorists stranded due to minor hurdles, such as car lockouts, flat tires or running out of gas, as well as helping the elderly & handicapped in our community with their daily needs. 855-742-4876 Instagram: @phillychaveirim
Chasdei Eliyahu
Since 1992, Chasdei Eliyahu has provided food and emergency funds to over 3,000 Jewish individuals in the local communities of Overbrook Park, Wynnefield and the Main Line of Philadelphia to meet the personal and financial challenges in their lives. We wok to provide tangible assistance to individuals and families in need in a dignified and discreet manner.
Chasdei Eliyahu focuses our efforts on basic needs: food, grocery store gift cards, shelter, rent/mortgage and utilities payments, medical, payment of medical and prescription costs, interest-free loans.
Chai Career Connections
Career Connections is a volunteer organization to help employers and qualified job-seekers connect. If you have a position opening, or are looking for a job, please contact Joan Betesh, Intake Coordinator,
Chevra Kadisha
Women: 215-742-6231
Men: 215-342-5204
Simcha G'machs
Tablecloth Gemach - Simchas Chaya Sara
343 Bala Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
484-802-5352 - - Website link
Centerpieces - Minky Kaminetsky 845-263-0275
Centerpieces - Mrs. Katz
Bar Mitzvah Centerpieces - Sima Chana Coe 845-537-9671
Table and Chairs - Reiner Home 917-667-3269
Wedding Shtick Gemach - Arches, parachute, mazel tov signs, jumprope...etc
Reiner Home 917-667-3269
Lachmei Simcha- A big challah for seudas mitzvos.
Mrs. Dubbie Ungar 215-342-1254
Baby Headphone G'mach - -No-ise canceling headphones for babies for weddings, etc. Tali Newman 313-303-5708
Bencher G'mach - Benchers to use for simchas, shabbatons, events, etc. Amanda Israel 609-458-0992
Children's Gown G'mach (Elkins Park) - Gown donations welcome for gowns in exquisite condition. For appointments call Ronit Tarshish 917-656-1309
Medical Equipment (Elkins Park) - Wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, crutches for adults and children, etc. Brodsky 610-304-4176
Bikkur Cholim of Philadelphia Medical Equipment - A variety of medical equipment is available at our gemach. Please contact Khana Globman 267-738-8563
OTC Medicine Gemach - L'iluy nishmas Tamar Bracha Bas Yosef Reuven Aryeh. Available 24/7 118 Bentley Avenue. Located in outdoor fridge on right side of property. Donations accepted Venmo @ESTHERPRESS
Infant's: Ibuprofin, Acetaminophen, Saline drops, Gas relief drops.
Children's: Ibuprofin, Acetaminophen, Allergy relief, Cold relief
Chasdei Eliyahu Clothing G'mach - For men, women and children. Please call 484-243-0582 to inquire about accessing the g'mach during business hours and donation times for those with goods to contribute.
Clothing G'mach - Located at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh. Molly Wood 215-573-2656
Baby and Kids Gemach - (Elkins Park) Clothing/Shoes/Jackets
Text/WhatsApp Suzanne Broyde 862-432-6077
CTA Uniform G'mach - By appointment only. Rachael Starkman 301-254-9664
Politz Uniform G'mach - Jumpers, skirts and polos. Esti Wesel 718-759-7272
Purim Costumes
Purim Costumes (Northeast) Leeba Rich 267-414-8311
Purim Costumes (Wynnewood) Mrs Globman 267-738-8563
Hachnosos Orchim apartment -
1 bedroom apartment, sleeps 2 adults plus a child on a pull out couch.
Also available to reserve for dating (either shidduch dating or date night for a married couple!) Games and refreshments provided.
contact Mrs. Dubbie Ungar 215-342-1254
Lending Library (Elkins Park) Reiner Home 917-667-3269
Somerton Jewish Library - call or text Aviva Gavrylin 718-755-7095
Yavne Children's Library - 6068 Drexel Road. Open Wednesday Nights 6:30-7:15 for boys, 7:15-8 pm for girls. Go behind the house, it's in the basement. Mrs. Helig
Bris Pillow & Outfit G'mach - Susan Frager 610-247-7246
Bris Pillow & Outfit G'mach - Sarah Leah Greenspan 610-570-9700
Bris Pillow & Outfit G'mach (Elkins Park)- Text or Whatsapp Miriam Lichter 574-850-8350
Bris Pillow & Outfit G'mach (Somerton)- Call or text Aviva Gavrylin 718-755-7095
Baby G'mach - Assorted Baby items, contact for availability. Chani Kaganoff 347-243-8788
Baby Headphone G'mach - Noise canceling headphones for babies for weddings, etc. Tali Newman 313-303-5708
Jewish Penicillin G'mach - Chicken soup available for anyone who is sick. Prepared by Onit Zisserman, Jaci Lazowick and Rochel Rubanowitz. Text or Whatsapp Onit Z. 917-703-1673
Generator G'mach - Emergency generators available for power outages. Chaveirim / David Kushner 215-917-0209
Bedika Cloth G'mach - In mailbox by the front door, text for address. Carly Chodosh 215-630-6709
Philadelphia Ride G'mach - WhatsApp group to post/request rides to and from Philly area. Contact Tova Dworkin to be added. 818-926-20
Electric Menorah - For hospital or rehab use. Sima Chana Coe whatsapp 845-537-9671
Tehillim to go - prerecorded tehillim being read slowly to make it easy to repeat after. Link to download